lunes, 4 de octubre de 2010


Los exámenes para alumnos con el inglés PENDIENTE del curso anterior tendrán lugar en las siguientes fechas:
* el 12 de Enero de 2011, a las 16 horas en la Sala Usos Múltiples
* el 4 de Mayo de 2011, a las 16 horas en la Sala de Usos Múltiples.
* en Septiembre 2011 según horario que anunciará en su momento Jefatura de Estudios.
Para cualquier consulta, contactar con Mercedes de Villegas.
Campanar 4 de Octubre de 2010

martes, 15 de junio de 2010


Las fichas de verano con recomendaciones de qué estudiar y cómo estudiar para los exámenes de Inglés de Septiembre se encuentran en el blog del Instituto, apartado ESTIU 2010, carpeta ANGLÈS. También a lista de lecturas aconsejadas.



Rogamos lean las notas al final y verifiquen que compran el libro necesario.
1º de E.S.O.:
-MACMILLAN SECONDARY COURSE 1. Workbook ** (Ver nota mas abajo)
Editorial: Macmillan -Heinemann ELT.

<<<1º de E.S.O. 2º Idioma: En caso de utilizar libro, se comunicaría en Septiembre.

2º de E.S.O.: -MACMILLAN SECONDARY COURSE 2. Student's Book
-MACMILLAN SECONDARY COURSE 2. Workbook **(Ver nota mas abajo)
Editorial: Macmillan -Heinemann ELT

<<<2ºESO. 2º Idioma>>>En caso de utilizar libro, se comunicaría en Septiembre.

3º de E.S.O.:
-MACMILLAN SECONDARY COURSE 3. Workbook.** (Ver nota mas abajo)
Editorial: Macmillan-Heinemann

<<<3ºESO. 2º Idioma>En caso de utilizar libro, se comunicaría en Septiembre.

4º de E.S.O.: - EVERYTHING FOR E.S.O. 4 Student´s Book
-EVERYTHING FOR E.S.O. 4 Practice Book ** (Ver nota mas abajo)
Editorial: Richmond

<<<4ºESO. 2º Idioma>En caso de utilizar libro, se comunicaría en Septiembre.

<<<4ºESO>DIVERSIFICACIÓN: “Let’s Go 1” –solo libro- Editorial Burlington

-DEFINITIONS 1 (Student’s Book 1 y Workbook)** (Ver nota mas abajo)
Editorial: Macmillan

<<1ºBTO. 2º Idioma>En caso de utilizar libro, se comunicaría en Septiembre.

2ºBACHILLERATO: -ACCESS 2 Student's Book 2 y Workbook 2
Editorial Pearson Education

<<<2ºBTO. 2º Idioma>En caso de utilizar libro, se comunicaría en Septiembre.

** NOTA IMPORTANTE: La profesora Doña Marisa Ferrandis utilizará todos los libros expuestos arriba pero NO UTILIZARÁ LOS WORKBOOKS .
Para 1ºESO ,2ºESO y 3º ESO: ESSENTIAL GRAMMAR IN USE ( versión española & con respuestas y con CD-Rom). Editorial: Cambridge University Press.
Para 4º ESO y 1º y 2º de Bachillerato ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN USE ( con clave y con CD-Rom) de la editorial Cambridge University Press.
o DICCIONARIO CAMBRIDGE POCKET de Cambridge University Press
Valencià- Anglés
OXFORD POCKET VALENCIÀ de Oxford University Press

Se recuerda a los alumnos la conveniencia de no forrar y no poner el nombre en los libros hasta asegurarse de que son los que necesitan.
El Departamento de Inglés Junio 2010

sábado, 5 de junio de 2010

Article from Valencia International and Business News

(Valencia International and Business News)

A “Che” team speaking Czech!!
Saturday, 05 June 2010
IES Campanar Crossing Frontiers

Five students and three teachers from IES Campanar in Valencia have just come back from a visit to the Czech Republic. We will not easily forget such a pleasant stay and the positive experiences we all had in Lipník nad Bečvou after four days of non-stop activities, all of them very interesting, like visiting the beautiful university town of Olomouc, the impressive Punkva caves, and the ancient Helfštýn Castle.
Our host school this time in the EU Comenius project we coordinate was the Gymnázium Lipník nad Bečvou, which worked hard in the preparation of this successful trip. The students did not want to leave Lipník, but all of them will keep in touch in this project we share. Germany, Hungary, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Spain: five countries, five languages, one soul.
Fernando Escuin (Coordinator of “The School as the Integration Engine”), Mª Eugenia Baquero (Head Teacher) and Mercedes de Villegas
It has been awesome and a unique experience for me. I have taken part in other exchanges but being with young people from so many countries has been very, very interesting. Prague was wonderful, but Lipník is such a beautiful little town and its people, particularly the teachers, students and my host Katerina, were really kind and nice. I also find Czech boys (and girls) more open and frank than Spanish ones.
It was also great fun to be able to speak a bit of Czech! We also enjoyed preparing a PowerPoint presentation on Lipník before the visit because the Czech students helped us too through e-mails. The currency was difficult for us because we had to calculate the equivalence in Euros (4€= 100 Czech crowns).Also, I loved the activities we had together and the lessons at the school and, my favourite, the outing to the caves. Well, I liked everything. Even the weather was OK because they had had floods ten days before our arrival.
Paloma Roig (1º Bachillerato B)
I think it was a great experience. In this kind of visit you have to speak a lot but it was not embarrassing because we all spoke English as a foreign language. Paloma and I also managed to speak some French with the Swiss students.
I loved knowing new customs, for example they usually go to bed earlier than we do, or the fact that they like eating meat and chicken so much. We tasted Czech beer too and it was not strong, but it was served in big glasses!!
Czech boys are very handsome and they seem to love brown hair and brown eyes! They are talkative but I think Spaniards are much more talkative. All the Comenius students went out together after the official activities every night and I can say that in spite of all our national differences, we are all very much the same. My favourite moment was the farewell party because it was held in a place that could have been taken from a fairy tale: a river, green pastures, a lake, the sunset… and the best-known Lipník band –in which some of the school students were, playing for us.
Sara Olivares (1º Bachillerato B)

PAU Exams (University Entrance Exams)

If you are a student of 2º Bto and you have passed your exams at school, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!Remember that the exam of English will be next Thursday, the 10th at 09.30
Also remember this link ( you can find exams of English.
If you are interested in other subjects too use the "enlaces de interés" provided there and you can find under "GUIES I EXÀMENS DE LES PROVES D'ACCÉS A LA UNIVERSITAT CURS0 2009/2010"explanations and exams on ALL subjects.
And most important: BEST OF LUCK!!!!

viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

Literary Contest and World Book Day

According to some experts Cervantes, Shakespeare and Garcilaso, three of the most important writers in the world, died on a 23rd of April. This is why we celebrate it every year buying a book for our loved ones together with a rose, following an old Catalonian tradition. And speaking about traditions today is England's National Day. It is St George's day fighting the dragon.Yes, the same legend that they have in Alcoi during their 'Moors and Christians' festivals, and again the same Sant Jordi i el Drac celebrated today in Catalonia.
We wish you a ROSE full of letters today. This year, the World book and Copyright Day will be celebrated worldwide in the framework of the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures too.


“The S.I. Engine” Comenius Project.
*Gymnasium Oedeme. LÜNEBURG (Germany)
*Gymnázium LIPNÍK NAD BECVOU (Czech Republic)
*Bródy Imre Gimnázium AJKA (Hungary)
*Collège Sismondi, GENÈVE (Switzerland)
*IES Campanar. VALENCIA (Spain)

The high quality of all the finalists’ writings, which were submitted by the 5 schools, has made it really difficult to reach an agreement on which one would be the best.
The topic “Hero of War” has been presented as a poem, letter, tale, short story, diary entry and essay. Interpretations have also been different, fighting soldiers, ghosts from the past, cancer, pollution, sexism or getting aware of our ancestors’ suffering, of personal experiences and of disabilities.

IES Campanar celebrates next week, as every year, UNESCO World Book Day on the 23rd of April with different activities and the names of the winners below will be read and a certificate will be issued with their respective awards. On the other hand, most of the writings by these or the other finalists are already being exhibited in the hall of the school for the students, teachers and parents to read and enjoy.
Thak you to everybody for your effort and collaboration.

And the winners are………… LIST OF WINNERS

-For the artful treatment of subject matter Daniel Klein (Lüneburg)
-For the overall aesthetical effect Andrea Miszori (Ajka)
-For the overall emotional effect Hui Ting Chen(Valencia)
-For the writing organization and logic Marie Bryzgalski (Lüneburg)
-For a most creative short story Elisabeth Guadagnolo(Geneva)
-For a most original essay Miša Hala (Lipník)
-For a really beautiful short story Morgane Muller (Geneva)
-For the quality of insight Tamás Baranyai (Ajka)
-For its sense of humour Ondra Hanousek (Lipník)
-For being integrative and well-organized Isabel Ángel (Valencia)

The 10 students will receive a small gift , a reader, compliment of MacMillan Publishers in Valencia and a Certificate prepared by our school.


domingo, 21 de marzo de 2010


Happy Easter
Happy Spring
Happi ness
May this blog bring!

By the way, do you know where the word Easter comes from?

We have hidden some Easter Eggs somewhere on the blog. See if you can spot them alright!!

Yeah! An Egg Hunt!!!
Happy holidays!

martes, 23 de febrero de 2010

Prueba Oral E.O.I. (A2) / Prova Oral E.O.I. (A2)

Se convoca a todos los alumno/as para la prueba oral que tendrá lugar el jueves, dia 25 de Febrero a partir de las 12.30 horas y con la misma distribución seguida en las pruebas del día 22. Es decir
Alumnos de Marisa Ferrandis Aula 13.
Alumnos de Reyes Durá que realizaron la prueba escrita en el aula 14,
Aula 15.
Alumnos de Susana López, Mercedes de Villegas y el resto de los de Reyes Durá en la Sala de Usos Múltiples.

El Jueves a las 10 horas se hará pública en el tablón de anuncios la lista de los que pueden presentarse a dicho examen y el orden en que se examinarán.

Es convoca a tots els alumnes per a la prova oral que tindrà lloc el dijous, dia 25 de Febrer a partir de les 12.30 hores i amb la mateixa distribució de la prova escrita de dilluns pasta, dia 22. És a dir :
Alumnes de Marisa Ferrandis Aula 13
Alumnes de Reyes Durá, els quals van realitzar les proves escrites a l'aula 14, faran la prova a l'Aula 15
Alumnes de Susana López, Mercedes de Villegas i la resta dels de Reyes Durá a la Sala d'Usos Múltiples

El Dijous a les 10 hores es farà pública al tauler d'anuncis la llista dels alumnes, els quals poden presentar-se a la prova oral.

martes, 16 de febrero de 2010


Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday falls between 2 February and 9 March, depending on the date for Easter. Pancake Day in London is traditionally celebrated with pancake races.This year, Pancake Day falls on 16 Feb. London's pancake and crepe restaurants will be celebrating in style.

As well as eating pancakes, there's along tradition of pancake races in London. If you don't fancy racing yourself, you can always cheer on the runners.Pancake races take place across the UK, combining fun and fundraising. Participants have to toss pancakes in a frying pan while completing the course.
The famous Parliamentary Pancake Race was held on 9 February. Chef Gary Rhodes, MPs, Lords and members of the media gathered at the Houses of Parliament for fun and charity fundraising. However,the Better Bankside Pancake Day Race was today at Southwark Cathedral Square 12pm-2pm although thre were some more in London and UK.
The Origins of Pancake Day
Pancake Day is the traditional feast day before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Lent – the 40 days leading up to Easter – is traditionally a time of fasting.
Pancake Day became a great way to use the foods that were given up for Lent – milk, butter, and eggs. Pancakes have featured in recipe books as far back as 1439!

domingo, 14 de febrero de 2010

Nou horari proves Anglès (A2)

NUEVO HORARIO Pruebas Inglés E.O.I. (A2)
Se comunica a todo el alumnado que las pruebas de Comprensión Oral (Listening), Comprensión y Expresión Escrita (Reading Comprehension and Writing) se realizarán el día 22 de Febrero a las 12.15 horas.
La prueba de Expresión Oral, para aquellos alumnos que aprueben las anteriores, tendrá lugar el día 25 a las 12.30 horas. La lista con los alumnos que han de presentarse se hará pública el mismo día 25 a las 12.00 horas

La prova de Comprensió Oral (Listening) i Escrita (Reading Comprehension) i la d'Expressió Escrita (Writing Exam) seran el dia 22 a les 12.15 hores i no per la vesprada. La durada aproximada de 2 hores 15 minuts.
Quant a la prova d’Expresió Oral (solament per als alumnes, els quals hagen passat la prova del dia 23) el dijous dia 25 a les 12.30 hores. El mateix dia 25 es publicarà al taulell d’anuncis quins alumnes hi poden fer-la.

El Departament d'Anglès/ El Departamento de Inglés

jueves, 28 de enero de 2010

Proves per a l'obtenció del Certificat de Nivell Bàsic d'Anglès (A2)

ORDE de 23 de desembre de 2009, de la Conselleria
d’Educació, per la qual es regulen les proves homologades
per a l’obtenció del Certificat de Nivell Bàsic de les
llengües alemany, francès, anglès i italià, cursades per
l’alumnat d’Educació Secundària

La llei Orgànica 2/2006, de 3 de maig, d’Educació, en l’article
59.1, determina que les ensenyances del Nivell Bàsic tindran les característiques
i l’organització que les administracions educatives determinen.
El Reial Decret 1629/2006, de 29 de desembre, pel qual es fixen
els aspectes bàsics del currículum de les ensenyances d’idiomes de
règim especial regulades per la Llei Orgànica 2/2006, de 3 de maig,
d’Educació, estableix en l’article 2 que l’esmentat nivell tindrà com a
referència les competències pròpies del nivell A2 del Consell d’Europa,
segons es defineix este nivell en el Marc Comú Europeu de Referència
per a les Llengües.
Els exàmens tindran lloc a la Sala d'Usos Múltiples el proper 22 de Febrer a les 16.50 hores (Listening, Reading Comprehension and Writing). L'Oral serà el 25 de Febrer al departament d'Anglès a les 16.00 i no més per a aquells alumnes que hagen aprovat les proves del dia 22. És per això que la llista d'aprovats es farà pública el mateix dia 25 a les 12.00 hores.
També es recorda als alumnes que hauran de formalitzar la matrícula a la Secretaria de l'Institut (1-5 Febrer).

martes, 19 de enero de 2010



Irene Montalvá 2ºBTO 5
Mireia Cebriá 2ºBTO 5
Nerea del Hoyo 2ºBTO 3.8
Carla Vila 2ºBTO 1.5
Alejandro Montesinos 2ºBTO 0.4
Pau Vedri 2ºBTO 0.1

Arturo López 3ºESO 3.8
Alex Almansa 3ºESO 2.5
Axel Nicolás 3ºESO 2.5

Patricia Bustamante 2ºESO 5 *
Saray Parra 2ºESO 5 *
Bryan Stalin 2ºESO 0
Asunción Padilla 2ºESO 1.1
Rubén Talavera 2ºESO 2.7

*1ª Avaluació aprovada/ 1ª evaluación aprobada

Un total de 16 alumno/as no se han presentado. Recordamos a todos que la segunda y última prueba antes de Septiembre tendrá lugar, tal y como está anunciado desde comienzo de curso, el día 5 de Mayo 2010 a las 16.00 en la Sala de Usos Múltiples.

Un total de 16 alumnes no s’hi han presentat. Recordem als alumnes que la segona i última prova abans Setembre tindrà lloc, com està anunciat des de començament de curs, el proper dia 5 de Maig de 2010 a les 16.00 hores a la Sala d’Usos Múltiples.
Mercedes de Villegas

viernes, 8 de enero de 2010


Se recuerda a todos los alumnos con la asignatura de inglés pendiente del curso anterior que el examen será el próximo 13 de Enero de 2009 en la Sala de Usos Múltiples a las 16 horas. Obligatorio acudir con el carnet del centro y DNI.



Essay, poem, fiction writing, story writing , ...........written in English
Length: 150-300 words.
Deadline: 26th of March 2010 (for Spanish Students the 12th of March due to local "Fallas" holidays)
Age: 14-19
Three prizes (14/15-year olds, 16/17-year-olds, 18/19-year-olds)
The five schools taking part in the project will send a maximum of ten entries per school.
The e-mail address where to submit them is
The result will be posted on this blog by the end of March.